

Hey ya’ll so what had happened was I was hanging with my cousin, dancing, celebrating life, and talking about career goals. The new freezer challenge came on and we started letting loose. I posted it on my IG stories being the sophisticated ratchet that I am and the hashtag #VibrantBlackGirl spoke to me and it just clicked! That’s it! Vibrant Black girl is everything that I am. Vibrant Black Girl is a representation of me, my life, my dreams, failures, lessons, and successes.

A few years ago I thought of the blog “Paris in New York.” Although the name is catchy, it didn’t really connect with all of who I was. From a branding perspective it sounded fantastic but it wasn’t personal. With that being said, my name is Paris and yes I do live in New York so that hasn’t changed. What has shifted is my desire to share my journey with no expectations. I’m simply sharing my lessons because I’m excited about sharing, talking ishhh, and growing along the way! I write all the time so why not share it!

Vibrant Black Girl speaks to my experience as a Black woman. Some call me quirky, introverted, and sometimes the life of the party but I’m simply me! I’m excited to share this journey with you all as I navigate my life in New York and take my career goals as a Singer, Songwriter, Plus Model, and Creative Entrepreneur to the next level. I’m always searching for good vibes within and those that match my reflection.

I’ve silenced myself for quite sometime and with this blog I look forward to sharing my thoughts on culture, love, health, wellness, spirituality, music, the arts, and more! Let’s all vibrate into our greatness and vibrate to the frequency of our own drum! Heyyyy that’s mad deep! #VibrantBlackGirl



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