
I’m not an expert or a coach nor do I claim to be. I’m a just a regular smeglar (In my Cardi B voice) Black woman with the life lessons to share from being an active student of life. So often times I’ll talk in first person because all my “advice or tips” are also reminders to myself! So I’m practicing the ancient wisdom of taking my own advice! Many times when I feel like I’m writing a word or some divine wisdom come through me it’s also an opportunity for me to remember it for my damn self!

So with that being said let me tell you what’s going on with your girl now. I am in a season of deep transition. I’ve been in a season of growing in relation. Meaning that the way I’m relating to others in my friendships and family relationships is shifting. I no longer feel like I have to carry the load for others on my back. This was an unconscious believe that I take full responsibility for and now that I have let that burden go, I’ve created more room in my life. I’m in the space of pouring into my life first and that means my relationships are growing and expanding. This also means that I’ve been chilling with myself alot more and truly owning what it means to be in love with my own company. In the past I wasn’t making room for myself because I was filling it with distractions and now there’s just empty space. With the empty space I’m creating from a new canvas and take all of those previous lessons with me. Below are some more steps that I’ve been taking to create more space for myself!

Show up for myself and commitments. Especially when you don’t want to!
I was speaking to my cousin about this when she was in town and I was being od lazy about my new faith walk and she was like “Girl, get up and go to church. You committed go.” I know it doesn’t get more basic or profound than that but that’s really at the core of it all. Show up for your life everyday! You’re 100 on Monday may look different than Tuesday but as long as you give yourself grace and continue to put one foot in front of the other you good money. Showing up is not always about making announcements either, sometimes it’s just about being present wherever you are.

2. Listening to inspirational podcasts!
I’m a sucker for inspirational podcasts. I listen to them while on the train, at the gym, and sometimes at work! I’m in the space of always needing something positive or affirming at least 2-3x per week. I’m really intentional about what I allow in space so I love to mix the positive to balance out the ratchet. Some of my favorites include Lisa Nichols, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and Tony Robbins. I’m also down to listen to more folks so please feel free to share your inspiration. We are all in this together! Hello!

3. Lastly I’d like to say that I’m praying and meditating daily but I’m not!  At least not an intentional morning prayer which is something I’m interested in developing! So the thing that works for me is also journaling. Journaling connects me to the noise going on in my mind and allows me to get clear. Journaling has been my solid rock for years and I look forward to getting back to my morning pages, which I learned about from “The Artist’s Way.” Please check out that book if you have yet to read it!

So there you have it. As a student of life who is constantly open to learning, I thank you for reading this vibrant Black girls take on it. We are all teachers and students. Solute!

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