
This has been a season of release for me in all areas of my life. I have been creating space and releasing situations, people, and weight that no longer serve me.  I realized that saying yes to myself involved saying no to a couple of relationships in my life that no longer served me. I was drained and throughout the years interpreted being a good friend as always being the shoulder to cry on. This type of friendship no longer worked for me and I had to honor myself by saying no and creating space for new possibilities. Honoring myself meant letting go of nonreciprocal relationships from a place of love. It also created the space for me to look at areas in my life where I wasn't being reciprocal or pouring into myself. Where in my life haven't I been showing up or was gaining a sense of worth from being the strong person to lean on. I took a look at that and realize that love could still exist but those relationships had to shift. The most important shift has been my relationship with myself. Since then I've been able to release patterns within myself and have attracted reciprioal, loving, and connected relationships that are a continual work in progress of course. 

Saying yes to all areas of my life has allowed me to be more intentional about my body and what I put into my mouth.  I have created the space within to process my emotions and in turn eating foods that serve my highest possibility. I started working with a personal trainer and I'm feeling good in my body while releasing around 20 pounds or more. I'm not keeping track but that's an estimate! This past week I enrolled in a holistic health & wellness coaching program and look forward to sharing more and inspire others to do the same!

I'm saying yes to my creativity by writing more songs, singing, modeling, and curating more shows. I'm also saying yes to sharing more of the Vibrant Black Girl Blog with you at least once per month. Please look out for more fitness, health, wellness, arts, music, and inspiration updates! I'm saying yes to it all!  What I'm learning through this thing we call life is that when you say yes to your life and vision, walk in it and God will do the rest. 
